Spinning Our Wheels

Frederick M. Hess, writing for ASCD:

"There's a familiar "spinning wheels" aspect to school reform that can make it tough for any proposed change to actually stick. But this post-pandemic era, with its new landscape, could be a moment of punctuated equilibrium rather than another spin of the wheel.

Rising to that challenge requires leaders to find more promising ways to support students, confront learning loss, and effectively use billions in emergency federal aid."

Hess lists an approach to rethinking education that involves leading inquiry with questions, being precise and specific about the problems being solved, being deliberate about the process and open to new solutions, and rejecting change for change’s sake.

While I appreciate his optimism and agree with his points, I think we’re unfortunately about to see another ”spin of the wheel” in most communities. The intertia of the status quo is strong, and the traditional structures and processes in education have been in place for a long time. Those who have benefited from the way things are will naturally resist any changes that threaten their advantages, regardless of how beneficial those changes may be for the larger community.

Leaders who are pushing for change, particularly in light of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, must be willing to put themselves out there and take a bold stance. This often means going against the status quo and facing resistance, even when the leaders, themselves, may be among those benefiting from the way things are.

To overcome these challenges, leaders must be proactive in forming coalitions that can help drive change. By working together with like-minded individuals and organizations, leaders can help insulate themselves against attacks and criticism, and build a strong foundation for change.

The Gender Gap in Academics

I first wrote about the underperformance of boys back in 2015. Dual-enrolled students at my high school did well in general, but on average, girls' GPAs in college were 1.05 points higher than boys', even though they did the same on standardized tests going in. Fast forward to today, and the problem still exists:

“Many social scientists agree that contemporary American men are mired in malaise, even as they disagree about the causes. In academic performance, boys are well behind girls in elementary school, high school, and college, where the sex ratio is approaching two female undergraduates for every one male. (It was an even split at the start of the nineteen-eighties.)”

Addressing academic differences between boys and girls in our current culture is a complex and delicate task. We're navigating a social landscape where conversations around gender equality and toxic masculinity are ongoing, and any efforts to support boys specifically may be met with skepticism or resistance. Yet, it’s essential to address this challenge, understanding that the purpose of school is to lift everyone up and create equal opportunities for success.

Solutions should emphasize supporting all students and creating a safe space for candid conversations about their experiences. By placing a strong emphasis on learning and growth, and listening to each student’s individual needs, we can begin to understand the issue of boys performing worse than girls in school. Then, by encouraging open dialogue among educators, parents, and students, we can collaboratively work on strategies that are adapted to meet a variety of learning needs. By doing this, we are likely to help boys succeed and make learning more inclusive and equitable for everyone.

Strong systems are mandatory for keeping schools running through turnover

Elizabeth Dampf, Director of Professional Learning at Round Lake Area Schools, writing for ASCD:

"The amount of time new teachers spend running around finding answers is wasteful, and they know it. Teachers who quit usually cite lack of support as their main reason, even in districts that have mentoring programs and PLC structures. Attrition among new teachers was high even before the pandemic: In 2019, the Economic Policy Institute found that more than half of teachers reported feeling unsupported, causing a quarter to consider quitting as a result. So, where's the disconnect? For my money, it's in the lack of organizational support—in other words, the lack of clear processes and easily accessible resources."

Clear procedures and policies are like caffeine for the entire school. They provide the energy and direction needed to keep things moving, even when the days get long.

Imagine working at a hospital where there are no clear rules about how to clean equipment or treat patients. Can you imagine the chaos and danger that would ensue? Yet, in education, we often expect new teachers to figure things out on their own, with little help or direction. It's unacceptable. We need to put clear systems and procedures for our teachers at the top of our list, just like hospitals put safety protocols at the top of their list for their patients. It's not just about making sure things run smoothly; it's also about making sure our students and staff are safe and do well.

Moving Beyond the Carnegie Unit

In December, Sarah D. Sparks interviewed the President of the Carnegie Foundation, Tim Knowles for EdWeek. From Knowles:

"We learn through immersive experience, we learn from mentors, from experts in apprenticeships and internships, and from peers. As individuals, we learn at highly variable rates depending on the subject of study. So the idea that time and learning can be conflated at such a deep level as we see it in our current system really needs to be changed."

The Carnegie Unit is about as relevant to our teenagers as a flip phone. It's like trying to navigate a complex landscape with a road map. The world is always changing, and it's time for our schools to catch up.

"By making the Carnegie unit so instrumental to what we define as school, the classroom and the schoolhouse have become almost a singular place for learning."

The Carnegie Unit has become a barrier to progress, hindering many schools from meeting students' potential. We need to improve by providing new learning models promoting immersive experiences, real-world projects, and flexibility. We must overcome conventional classroom hurdles to embrace new initiatives such as project-based, place-based, and competency-based learning.

Yet, teachers cannot do it alone. They need leaders who can balance risk and safety while promoting innovation and collaboration. Together, we must test new ideas and provide students access to various learning experiences that prepare them for future challenges. It is time to move forward with imagination, courage, and a dedication to excellence.

Prioritizing Change in Schools

Doug Reeves and Robert Eaker writing for ASCD on what needs to change when leading change:

"Leaders must stop waiting for buy-in and giving resisters veto power over essential changes that will have lifetime impacts on students."

Acknowledging and addressing the concerns of those who resist change is crucial, but it's equally important to keep the bigger picture in mind. The primary goal of any school should be to provide the best possible education to students. Therefore, changes that can improve student learning should not be compromised because of resistance from a few individuals.

"Leaders need to take decisive action and say without equivocation, 'This is what we will accomplish in the next 100 days.'"

It’s easy to get bogged down in planning and discussions, but at some point, leaders need to take action. When it comes to implementing change in schools, this is especially important, as every day without making progress is a day when students are not receiving the education they deserve.

"Initiative fatigue, combined with poorly communicated changes, insufficient support, and unnecessary complexity, undermines even the most logically sound change efforts."

Implementing change in schools is no easy feat. It requires effort, resources, and a willingness to step outside one's comfort zone. However, when making particularly challenging changes, the difficulty level only increases. It can be tempting to focus on implementing easy changes first, but this approach can quickly lead to an overwhelming number of initiatives.

As leaders, we must prioritize changes and focus on those that will significantly impact student learning. This requires careful consideration and a deep understanding of our students' needs. We must be willing to tackle the hard stuff head-on, even if it means facing resistance or discomfort.

ChatGPT Will End High-School English

Daniel Herman, teacher at Maybeck High School in Berkeley, CA, writing about the impact of AI on writing for The Atlantic:

I believe my most essential tasks, as a teacher, are helping my students think critically, disagree respectfully, argue carefully and flexibly, and understand their mind and the world around them. Unconventional, improvisatory, expressive, meta-cognitive writing can be an extraordinary vehicle for those things. But if most contemporary writing pedagogy is necessarily focused on helping students master the basics, what happens when a computer can do it for us? Is this moment more like the invention of the calculator, saving me from the tedium of long division, or more like the invention of the player piano, robbing us of what can be communicated only through human emotion?

Not too long ago, the ability to effectively communicate through writing was a critical differentiator in the job market. However, with the rise of AI, this will soon no longer be the case. The new differentiation will instead be between those who can simply produce coherent text and those who can skillfully leverage the technology to enhance their own creativity and produce truly exceptional writing.

As educators, we must now ask ourselves: How can we best prepare our students to work hand-in-hand with AI, using it to augment their writing process and push the boundaries of their creativity, instead of letting it replace their originality altogether?

Decoding the Master Schedule: Analyzing Course Offerings, Choice, and Length to Uncover Educational Values

A school's master schedule speaks volumes about its priorities. It reveals how the school decides to allocate the time of students and staff and what it values most in education.

For example, a school that prioritizes test scores and academic achievement may require more instructional time for core academic subjects and less time for electives. Students who require additional support to improve their academic performance may get double the time in ELA or math. In contrast, a school that values a more "well-rounded" education may prioritize a wide variety of elective options for students to choose from, even for students who struggle academically.

Another way is to look at the type or length of courses offered. In schools that prioritize deeper learning and the development of essential skills, you will likely find courses with integrated curricula. They may offer courses like "GeoDesign," "Biolit," "American Studies," or "Civic Reasoning," with two teachers and more time for students to collaborate. In more traditional schools, courses will typically be of uniform length with titles aligned with specific graduation requirements like "English 9," "US History," or "Biology."

The number of choices offered to students at different grade levels can also reflect a school's priorities. A school that offers a lot of choices early in high school may have limited off-campus opportunities for students later in high school because students don't have as much flexibility in their schedule. A school that values off-campus opportunities may require a more rigid freshman schedule.

Schools that prioritize building a positive school culture or social-emotional learning may provide time in the master schedule for an advisory period to help facilitate restorative circles, mindfulness exercises, or workshops in conflict resolution. Schools without such a period prioritize academic class time and need to push into different subject areas for lessons on culture and social-emotional learning.

Master scheduling is an underappreciated art form. I urge administrators to review their master schedule with a team to ensure that it aligns with the school's values and goals for students. Promoting open dialogue and critical thinking is crucial during this process. If there is a discrepancy between the team's assessment and the school's priorities, changes should be made. The master schedule is a powerful tool to support the school's mission and vision for students. Don't be afraid to make adjustments that align with your school's values. Your students and community will thank you.

The Power of Project-Based Learning: A Showcase of Handy Middle School's Success

Sixth-grade teachers at Handy Middle School have spent the year transitioning their instructional approach to project-based learning (PBL), and the results have been impressive.

The video is great because it amplifies teacher and student voices to describe what project-based learning is and how it benefits students. The level of engagement and ownership of learning is evident in the projects showcased, and it's exciting to see the impact on student success.

PBL has transformed the way Handy teachers and administrators think about teaching and learning, and it aligns with the district's vision of empowering students to be lifelong learners. It allows students to build on prior knowledge, develop new skills, and connect learning to the real world. Students become problem-solvers, collaborators, and creative thinkers.

I'm insanely proud of the work that students, teachers, and principals have accomplished throughout the Handy redesign. It's inspiring to see students taking ownership of their learning and seeing the impact it has on their academic success.

I can't wait to see what's next for these kids.

Turning High-Risk Schools into Professional Development Learning Labs

As educators, our ultimate goal is to support all students in reaching their full potential. For students attending high-poverty, Title I schools, achieving that goal can be challenging. These schools often lack resources and experience high levels of teacher and principal turnover, leading to greater difficulties for students. However, instead of viewing these schools as problems to solve, let’s turn them into opportunities for growth and development for everyone in the district.

By transforming high-risk schools into professional development learning labs, school districts can equip all teachers and leaders with the skills and resources they need to foster a supportive and empowering school culture, implement student-centered teaching practices, provide equitable interventions, and engage students at high levels. This approach sends a clear message that these schools are valued and that their students have the potential to achieve great things.

The benefits of this approach are far-reaching. Teachers and leaders from other schools who receive professional development at the learning lab can bring new ideas and best practices back to their own schools. Meanwhile, students in the learning lab schools receive the resources and attention they need to succeed and feel that their education is valued. The wider school district also benefits, as this approach challenges community biases and demonstrates that all students can thrive with the right support.

However, implementing this approach is not without its challenges. Parents and teachers in more affluent schools may push back, demanding resources and attention. But, as educators, it is our responsibility to take an equitable approach and prioritize the needs of the students who need it most. By investing in high-risk schools and using them as professional development learning labs, school districts can create a more equitable education system for all students.

Open Your Door

I love this entire article by Jennifer Gonzalez, but her closing paragraph jumped out at me:

Ours is a delicate, nuanced art, and though books and workshops offer all kinds of interesting ideas for how we can improve that art, the resources that lie behind every door in your school can offer something even richer, if you’re brave enough to let each other in.

It’s often too easy to rely on the county, call in a consultant, or “do a book study” for teacher professional development. In nearly all cases, the most effective way for teachers to grow is from each other. That’s impossible without the support, systems, and structures that create the culture for peer collaboration and feedback—as leaders, building that culture is our top priority.

Bay City Central High School Redesign Plan: A Path to College and Career

It has been a privilege to work with the Bay City Central High School Principal and team on their redesign effort. As a proud graduate of Central High School, I am humbled to see the positive changes being made to benefit students, and I am excited to see the positive outcomes that will follow.

The redesign plan includes three key components:

  1. A Freshman Focus program provides dedicated space, staff, and resources to address the academic and social-emotional needs of 9th graders.

  2. A Deeper Learning instructional model, in partnership with the New Tech Network, helps develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills through real-world applications.

  3. A 5-year program of study transforms Central High School into a full-school Early Middle College, offering up to 60 college credits or apprenticeship programs before graduation.

The video is fantastic as it not only tells the story of what's to come for the students in the Bay City Central community but it also highlights the commitment of those involved in ensuring the success of the plan.

I am honored to have been part of this team, working towards leading Central students towards a brighter future.

The way we do things around here.

Culture greatly impacts student achievement, teacher morale, and school climate. A strong, positive culture supports learning and growth, while a toxic one can harm students, teachers, and staff.

A school’s culture is a complex pattern of norms, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, values, ceremonies, traditions, and myths that are deeply ingrained in the very core of the organization and wields astonishing power in shaping what people think and how they act.
— Roland Barth, The Culture Builder