Decoding the Master Schedule: Analyzing Course Offerings, Choice, and Length to Uncover Educational Values

A school's master schedule speaks volumes about its priorities. It reveals how the school decides to allocate the time of students and staff and what it values most in education.

For example, a school that prioritizes test scores and academic achievement may require more instructional time for core academic subjects and less time for electives. Students who require additional support to improve their academic performance may get double the time in ELA or math. In contrast, a school that values a more "well-rounded" education may prioritize a wide variety of elective options for students to choose from, even for students who struggle academically.

Another way is to look at the type or length of courses offered. In schools that prioritize deeper learning and the development of essential skills, you will likely find courses with integrated curricula. They may offer courses like "GeoDesign," "Biolit," "American Studies," or "Civic Reasoning," with two teachers and more time for students to collaborate. In more traditional schools, courses will typically be of uniform length with titles aligned with specific graduation requirements like "English 9," "US History," or "Biology."

The number of choices offered to students at different grade levels can also reflect a school's priorities. A school that offers a lot of choices early in high school may have limited off-campus opportunities for students later in high school because students don't have as much flexibility in their schedule. A school that values off-campus opportunities may require a more rigid freshman schedule.

Schools that prioritize building a positive school culture or social-emotional learning may provide time in the master schedule for an advisory period to help facilitate restorative circles, mindfulness exercises, or workshops in conflict resolution. Schools without such a period prioritize academic class time and need to push into different subject areas for lessons on culture and social-emotional learning.

Master scheduling is an underappreciated art form. I urge administrators to review their master schedule with a team to ensure that it aligns with the school's values and goals for students. Promoting open dialogue and critical thinking is crucial during this process. If there is a discrepancy between the team's assessment and the school's priorities, changes should be made. The master schedule is a powerful tool to support the school's mission and vision for students. Don't be afraid to make adjustments that align with your school's values. Your students and community will thank you.

Empowering Educators: Handy Middle School Teachers Share Their Vision for a New Approach to Learning

I love this video of teachers sharing their excitement for the new learning approach they had been preparing to implement. Over the summer, they worked closely with a team of instructional support staff, school leaders, and each other to bring the innovative New Tech Network model to life in their classrooms.

What I appreciate most about this video is the opportunity to hear directly from the teachers, as they shared their experiences and perspectives. The personal touch they bring to the story was invaluable in fostering a deeper understanding of the hard work and dedication that goes into shaping the future of education.

Teachers play an incredibly important role in telling the story of the work happening in schools, and their voices are critical in creating a human connection with the community. The teachers and leaders at Handy Middle School are to be commended for their unwavering commitment to education and their efforts to positively impact the lives of their students and the future of education.