AI in Schools: More Than Just a Fad

Hadi Parvoti, CEO of, on the future outlook of curriculum and instruction in a world where Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models like ChatGPT are commonplace:

"In five years I'm quite confident that our school system will recognize not only that these tools are here to stay but that teaching kids how to be amazing problem solvers, critical thinkers, and collaborators using these digital tools is going to be a key part and reason for education."

Just as calculators revolutionized how we teach math—enabling us to go beyond basic arithmetic to explore higher-level concepts—AI is set to expand the horizons of what's possible in the classroom. It's not about sidelining teachers or making students overly reliant on technology. It's about leveraging these tools to enhance the educational experience.

What Parvoti is talking about is a shift from a knowledge-based model to a skills-based model. One where we're not ditching the classics; we're giving them a 21st-century update so that we can equip students with the skills they need to navigate a world where digital literacy isn't optional; it's essential.

To Address Learning Gaps, Go Deeper

Kristina Kyles-Smith, writing for ASCD:

In addressing post-pandemic learning gaps, I encourage educators to stay proactive in examining and challenging the existing structures, policies, and practices that perpetuate the overemphasis on remediation and limit opportunities for certain students.

I couldn't agree more. In fact, I'd go further to argue that deeper learning shouldn't just be an alternative to remediation; it should be the primary tier 1 instructional strategy for all students, irrespective of their academic standing.