What are we willing to lose in order to change a child's life?

Isabel Bozada-Jones, writing for EdSurge:

"If we are going to truly transform and improve education, all administrators, policymakers and leaders must let old practices die and imagine something better."

To create a climate and culture where “old practices” are replaced with “something better,” we must first provide school leaders with frameworks that openly acknowledge and tackle power dynamics within school systems that could hinder innovation.

Professional development, teacher mentor programs, student leadership initiatives, parent organizations, and community events all hold the potential for transformative change. However, these opportunities are rarely realized because school leaders often lack the necessary resources, training, or support to effectively confront power dynamics and promote innovation within their buildings.

Regarding Bozada-Jones' article, the question is: How can policymakers, business leaders, and district administrators collaborate to create frameworks and a community culture that empowers school leaders to envision innovative solutions instead of relying on outdated practices while acknowledging the existing power dynamics that cannot be overlooked?